Saturday, January 28, 2012

Character DLC poll results for UMvC3 from Japan, it better fucking work!

1. Date Masamune
2. Megaman EXE
3. X
4. Batsu Ichimonji
5. Bass EXE
6. Tessa
7. Gene
8. Harp Note
9. Sanada Yukimura
10. Sieg (Chaos Legion)

11. Kirin Armor (Female)
12. Saki Omokane
13. Leon S Kennedy
14. Akira Kazama
15. Tsuruhime
16. Ingrid
17. Jin Saotome
18. Strider Hien
19. Grey (MMZXA)
20. Jedah Dohma

21. Kyosuke Kagami
22. Nobunaga (Sengoku Basara)
23. Chuck Greene
24. Devilot
25. Regina
26. Nina (BOF2)
27. Albert W Wily (Megaman)
28. Mobile Suit Alpha (Side Arm)

1. Venom (Eddie Brock)
2. Ms.Marvel
3. Green Goblin
4. Hisako Ichiki (Armor)
5. Gambit
6. Psylocke
7. Songbird
8. Nico Minoru
9. Black Cat
10. Rogue

11. Lizard
12. Chase Stein
13. Carnage
14. Cloak & Dagger
15. Hope Summers
16. Mysterio
17. Thanos
18. Emma Frost
19. Red Skull
20. War Machine

21. Moon Knight
22. Darkhawk
23. Blade
24. Cable
25. Molly Hayes
26. Mockingbird
27. Beetle
28. Ultron

Friday, January 13, 2012

test footage for the Deadpool movie?

Bleeding Cool News noticed that at Amazing Arizona ComicCon this past weekend while in a panel with Scott Lobdell, Liefeld hinted about seeing an R-Rated eight minutes of test footage for the Deadpool movie.
They’ve got a great director on the movie, they’ve got a great script. I may or may have not seen some sort of test of footage that would blow your mind if you saw it and go holy crap and that’s Deadpool in costume. Katana swords, guns, shooting people’s faces off and making me laugh. And I may or may not have seen something that looks just like that. And you’ve got what would amount to the first R Rated X-Men movie. Because that script is R Rated.

They may or may not have wanted to shoot eight minutes to see how it would play. And all I can tell you, it’s close. It’s closer that it’s even been to going, or going Naaah, that’s too scary a proposition to make a R Rated Deadpool movie.