
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3!

Characters Doctor Strange, Frank West, Iron Fist, Nemesis, Nova, Phoenix Wright, Rocket Raccoon and Vergil have been accidentally revealed on the Capcom website.

A nice set of images of the covers and logo for the upcoming Ultimage Marvel vs. Capcom 3 were posted today. What do you think of the designs and the Shinkiro artwork? Also check out the potential alternate costumes for Morrigan, Chun-Li, X-23, Storm, Doctor Doom, Akuma, Strider and Sentinel.


  1. Wow, this sounds sweet! And Frank West?! Fuck the world! <3 Maybe I'll have Rob pick this version up seeing as we never got the first one... Thanks for sharing this info, Max! <3 A nice Thursday for you! <3 <3 <3 *

    +Rei Bathory+
