
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is Spider-Man in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3?

Every where I go, I keep seeing everyone's big question about MVC3, is Spider-Man going to be in MVC3? No body really knows. Spider-Man has all ways show up on Marvel games. I don't know why they don't show him on the game, or they are going to do a different costume of Spider-Man from the comics, or he's not in the MVC3?

He was in all of the Marvel vs. something something series all the time. It would be cool to see some of his villains in the game, like Carnage, Man-Wolf and it would be cool if Venom show up in the game, I just hope they don't make him blue again.

All of these pic you are looking at, its from a game called Spider-man Shattered Dimensions, comes out on Sep 7th.

1 comment:

  1. Considering that he is one of Marvel's biggest cash cows, I would put my money on him being in the game... They would be foolish to alienate that fanbase, because everyone knows who Spiderman is... I wouldn't bet so much on a lot of his enemies being in the game, however... I see them mainly focusing on the characters that everybody knows and loves...

