
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wolverine and the X-Men Season 2 News

We all will see Deadpool in Wolverine And The X-Men Season 2. It will be on the air sometime in January 2010. At the very very end of Hulk Vs. Wolverine they showed Deadpool alive! So will see him in Season 2.

I thank Gambit and X-23 will be in season 2.
We will see Colossus again and his sister Magik.
I wish they can put Omega Red, Holocaust, Spider-Man, Venom and Onslaught.
At the end of season 1, they showed Apocalypse in the future.
That's all I can find.
You all can download the first season and Hulk vs. Wolverine to see whats going on.
Thank You.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Demon Drawings

Deadpool Vs. Demon


Hot Demon Lady

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

More More More and More Drawings

My friend drew this.


Skeleton Cyborg

Flying Green Demon

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deadpool, Zombie Head Deadpool and Other Drawings

Deadpool and
Zombie Head Deadpool

Omega Red



Bad Rat

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Got 5 Characters on MUA2

A hour age I got the new MUA2 add-on for the Xobox 360.
Carnage has great moves, the other characters
are cool too.
The characters are:
Black Panther

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Deadpool, Spidey, Ducks and More Drawings

Terminator Duck

Deadpool and Friends




Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last Night

Last night Hymie was doing noting but playing video games.
I was handing out candy for these Iduho kids.
They got scared and ran to their daddy or their momma.
Four Teenage girls liked my mask and called me sexy.
As for my baby bother Leo, he just slept, ate and slept again.

Looks like a ghost egg.
Inside of it, there is this a ball.

This one wanted to kill its self.


I like this one.Spider-Man 4 2011 May 6.
The Lizard will be in the movie.
As for Carnage and Venom, no clue.