Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Deadpool in end of the world (2008)

Green Lantern (2009)

Green Goblin (2009)

Black Panther (2009)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Red Skull

Red Skull (2009)

New Drawings

Spider-man (2009)

Spider Terminator (2009)

War Machine (2008)

Nick Fury

Snake Eyes (2009)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New video and more

Voldo (2009)

Anti-Venom (2008)

Jill Valentine (2009)

Venom Scorpion (2008)

Pac-Mario (2006)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Nemesis (2007)
From Resident Evil Apocalypse Movie (2004)

TYRANT (2007)
From Resident Evil video game

They should put him in the New Xmen movie.

Onslaught (2006)

I hope this New Xmen movie is going to be good.

Wolverine and Deadpool (2009)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Deadpool vs. Verde Dragon War and Deadpool vs Spider-Carnage

(Deadpool vs Verde) 2008

Dragon War (2008)

(Deadpool vs. Spider-Carnage) 2007

Monday, February 23, 2009

Deadpool pic and Eddie Animation

"Deadpool" picture
I did this in 2008.

"Can I Play With Madness" animation 2006

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here's a few images and videos for my first post.

"Iron Man vs Monster" 2009

"Freaks" 2009

"Pac Man East a Red Ghost" 2007
Animation test

"Max vs Hymie" 2008
experimental animation